Re-enroll former learners to return and finish strong

How to get stopped-out students back on track

The number of “some college, no credential” students has grown to over 40 million — a higher number than ever before. What’s more, a disproportionate number of these learners are students of color, first generation or otherwise facing systemic barriers on their pathways to achieving their potential. 

No one goes to college thinking they’ll leave without completing their credential or degree. But life happens. That’s why, as part of their efforts to increase enrollment, community colleges, universities and online programs alike must focus on stopped-out learners as an important piece of the puzzle. With the proper support, former students can return to school and complete — bettering life for themselves, their families and their communities.

Improve re-enrollment outcomes through personalized coaching

Re-enrollment coaching can help address ongoing enrollment declines, while giving learners a second chance to pursue a life-changing credential or degree. Coaching re-engages and reconnects students to your institution and highlights the value of completing their education. It also helps them develop strategies to balance work, family, financial and academic obligations, along with giving them a sense of belonging — putting them on course to succeed. 

By bringing these learners back, you’re able to leverage your prior investment in marketing and recruiting to achieve a stronger ROI. And by improving your re-enrollment process using coaching, you can actually help reduce future stopouts.

Partner Benefits

Proactive re-engagement with stopped-out learners

Boosted enrollment, retention and completion rates

Insights into stopout reasons and process pain points

Expanded institutional bandwidth and resources

Enhanced equity in enrollment and beyond

Learner Benefits

Reconnection with goals and commitment to completion

Ability to balance work, family, financial and academic obligations

Growth in time management, accountability and sense of belonging

Increased confidence in navigating the return process and succeeding in school

Progress toward a better career and a better life

Re-enrollment success by the numbers

re-enrollment rate in fall semester
illinois central college
contacted community college student re-enrollment rate
nc reconnect
return on investment in the first semester, driven by an 8.6%
re-enrollment rate
United Negro College Fund

How re-enrollment coaching can work for you

Learn how re-enrollment coaching addresses the reasons why learners stopped out, then helps them work through those issues in order to form a clear and actionable plan for moving forward to achieve their educational and career goals. Mapping the reasons behind stopouts also helps institutions better support active students and prevent further stopouts.

One-on-one success coaching tailored to your re-enrollment needs

With one-on-one success coaching, our coaches re-engage stopped-out students and help them develop a personalized plan for returning to school, completing their studies and preparing for career success.

Our coaches also directly alleviate the challenges of institutional bandwidth. And our outreach is equity focused, factoring in each individual’s unique situation as we collaborate to develop a plan that works for them. This includes:

  • Proactively reaching out and engaging with former students

  • Assessing and reviewing reasons for stopping out to develop a personalized plan to overcome obstacles and move forward

  • Continued check-ins to address challenges, find resources and celebrate successes

An adult learner on her computer at home, meeting virtually with a student success coach

Embed coaching development and training into your re-enrollment toolkit

Through coaching development and training, support staff and institutional leaders are trained to incorporate InsideTrack’s coaching methodology into the re-enrollment process. They can use this training to address the “why” behind stopouts, for example, then use that information to help former students re-enroll on a path to succeed.

Re-enrollment case studies and partner profiles

UNCF and InsideTrack join together for HBCU student success excellence
Nine UNCF institutions brought stopped-out students back to school in an initiative that will expand through a multi-year partnership.
re-enrollment rate
North Carolina Reconnect re-enrollment coaching initiative
NC Reconnect: Re-enrollment coaching gives stopped-out learners the tools to return to college and complete their degrees
An innovative re-enrollment initiative called NC Reconnect connected stopped-out learners with coaches to help them re-enroll and persist.
total contacted student re-enrollment rate across three cohorts of 15 schools
Wake Technical Community College: North Carolina community college sees 15.6% rise in spring 2021 re-enrollment
Wake Tech created a re-enrollment program for students close to finishing their degree by leveraging one-to-one coaching to engage stopped-out students.
rise in spring 2021 enrollment

Ready to bring stopped-out learners back to your institution?

Our one-on-one re-enrollment coaching is proven to bring former students back to school, with the tools and mindset to succeed — a win for them and your institution.

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