Improve career readiness at every stage of the learning journey

Helping build connections to career

Education and training are often the gateway to a good job, strong career path and economic opportunity. Bridging the gap between education and career not only helps learners build employability skills and social capital — it also provides them with a clear pathway to their career. 

InsideTrack coaching supports holistic career discovery, helping participants lean into their strengths to maximize their education or career pathway and ultimately get a job, internship or apprenticeship in their chosen field. What’s more, coaching helps enroll and retain learners in education and training programs — increasing resource utilization and completion rates along the way.

Coaching to strengthen career readiness

Whether learners are working through a degree, certificate or credential, seeking first-time employment or not sure where to start, coaching supports them to develop the knowledge, skills and beliefs to chart a course from where they are to where they want to be.  

With personalized support from a coach, learners can focus on topics such as resume building, networking, interview skills, self-promotion and more, gaining the resources and social capital to navigate and engage in pathways toward a meaningful career.

Partner Benefits

Increased program persistence and completion rates

Cross-departmental continuity and consistency of care

Reinforced value of degree, certificate or credential

Stronger connection to and utilization of available resources

Career-minded infrastructure integrated into support systems and programs

Enhanced readiness for careers beyond degree or credential completion, leading to improved brand reputation, recruitment and retention

Learner Benefits

Creation of and momentum toward educational and career plans

Deeper understanding of how strengths and interests connect to available career opportunities

Development of essential employability skills, such as time management, problem solving and communication

Stronger connection to their “why” for pursuing and achieving goals

Better sense of belonging, engagement and connection with the organization

Empowerment to build relationships and develop social capital

Career readiness by the numbers

agreed that "Career coaching helped me determine a clear next step for pursuing my career"
IVY Tech
agreed that "I felt more prepared to achieve my career goal(s)"

Career coaching designed to help your learners be job-ready

Discover how coaching for career readiness helps young adults, students and those looking to connect to the workforce prepare for their careers.
success coaching

Success coaching to prepare learners for their careers

Through one-on-one success coaching, InsideTrack coaches directly work with your learners to develop a connection to their “why” for a desired career, empowering them to enroll in or complete any necessary education or training along the way — building career preparation and motivation as they go. Success coaching for career readiness includes:

  • Assessing learner interests, goals and values

  • Helping learners enroll in a program, complete a degree or credential, or otherwise advance along a pathway to a career

  • Transforming individual beliefs about what career opportunities are possible, equipping them with the knowledge, skills and beliefs they need to succeed

coaching development and training

Coaching development and training can add career readiness to your support efforts

By integrating coaching development and training, you will equip your internal teams with a proven coaching methodology — ultimately providing holistic, sustainable support that helps learners complete their programs and advance toward better jobs and greater economic opportunity.

Career readiness case studies and partner profiles

Equus Workforce Solutions: Evidence-based coaching elevates youth mentoring at workforce boards across the nation
Equus Workforce Solutions partners with InsideTrack to level up mentorship with an evidence-based coaching program. Coaching elevates youth mentoring.
Federal funding for institutional transformation and sustainable impact at North Central Texas College
Federal funding for institutional transformation and sustainable impact at NCTC sparked a culture shift using coaching. See How.
Idaho PTECH: Proactive coaching helps rural Idaho high school students prepare for careers in key industries
Idaho Pathways to Early Career High School (PTECH) and InsideTrack partnered to advance rural high school students along educational and career pathways.
increase in high school graduates pursuing post-secondary education
Minnesota Office of Higher Education partners with InsideTrack to implement coaching across 29 institutions
Coaches helped students build their commitment to graduation and clarify their career path. This support led to gains in persistence and completion.
increase in retention and graduation among coached students after first year of mentoring

Ready to make career readiness part of your learner-support toolkit?

Find out how we can tailor a program to your career-readiness outcomes — improving completion rates and developing learner employability skills along the way.

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