Nurture learner engagement and success with retention coaching

You retain your students. They accomplish their dreams.

Even when individuals are fully committed to doing what it takes to pursue their degree, credential or career path, obstacles arise that can too easily derail them. As challenges start to pile up, the life-changing benefits at the end of the journey — the promise of economic opportunity — can feel out of reach, and motivation can fade. If a learner stops out, it’s a blow to them, their family and their institution.

Retention coaching empowers learners to clarify goals, identify challenges, organize priorities and stay connected to their reasons for pursuing their educational dream. With personalized retention coaching, institutions can keep more students on track to complete — tailoring support to each student’s unique strengths and individual barriers.

Coaching makes a measurable difference on retention rates

Working with a retention coach helps learners connect with their “why” for persisting in school — and helps them utilize the knowledge, skills and beliefs they already possess to reach that “why.” By tailoring our work to the individual and their specific goals, learners are more likely to succeed and get the most out of their education.

Partner Benefits

Improved persistence and completion rates

Reduced stopout rates

Stronger ROI

Insight into student retention barriers and challenges

Ability to proactively support learners to reach their full potential 

Learner Benefits

Greater engagement and connection with the institution

Development of growth mindset to persist through challenges

Stronger self-advocacy, time management and critical thinking 

Motivation to reach their goal of degree/credential completion

Improved prioritization of and connection to their goals

Real-world retention results

first-year retention, a school record
loyola university new orleans
higher retention rate among coached students
illinois central college
improvement in two-year completion rates
IVY Tech

Coaching tailored to support your retention challenges

Learn how one-on-one retention coaching can improve your student engagement, persistence and completion rates, helping your learners stay motivated to keep going through challenges.
success coaching

One-on-one success coaching to maximize student retention

InsideTrack focuses on preventable attrition as a crucial step in higher retention. With success coaching, our coaches work directly with your learners to keep them on track throughout their educational journey and beyond. Success coaching for retention includes:

  • Nurturing student engagement

  • Creating meaningful connections to keep students on a strong path

  • Helping learners make a connection between education and their “why”

coaching development and training

Coaching development and training to enhance your in-house retention efforts

By training your support staff to incorporate InsideTrack’s coaching methodology into their learner-facing connections, your institution will be better equipped to tackle retention challenges. Through coach training and development, staff members will utilize coaching to transform their work with learners, enabling them to provide consistent, higher-quality support and greater impact.

Calculate the impact of retention coaching on your program

Our Impact Calculator lets you enter variables specific to your retention challenges in order to see the potential benefits of retention coaching. And while return on investment and yield are at the top of the list, the impact goes well beyond that — including institutional effectiveness, better prepared students, and actionable trends and insights pulled from student/coach connections.

1000 75000

Based on a two semester academic calendar

3500 75000
0 100

The percentage of additional student leads that InsideTrack can help convert

0 5
1000 100000

Based on a two semester academic calendar

3500 75000

The percentage of additional student leads that InsideTrack can help convert

0 5

Enrollment opportunity


Additional Students


Tuition Dollars/yr

An effective coaching program also yields better-prepared students, who are more likely to persist and succeed, along with actionable trends and insights that can improve overall institutional effectiveness. Based on the projection you have entered you could potentially enroll 300 additional students and gain $1,321,530 in additional annual tuition revenue through an effective enrollment coaching program. However, these are not the only potential benefits.

Learn more about the impact of collaborating with InsideTrack.
Download the PDF

Retention opportunity


Additional Students


Tuition Dollars/yr

Many factors can lead to students dropping out of school - financial issues, family priorities, academics, and lack of motivation are just a few. Many of these reasons are difficult to pinpoint and affect, so a focus on preventable attrition is an important first step. Based on the projection you have entered you could potentially retain 11 additional students and $33,919 annual tuition utilizing a custom InsideTrack solution.

Learn more about the impact of collaborating with InsideTrack.
Download the PDF

Retention case studies and partner profiles

Loyola University: Increasing student persistence through proactive coaching
Loyola partnered to launch a Capacity Building and Coaching program to increase first-year retention, and to improve enrollment of prospective students.
first-year retention, a school record
Illinois Central College: Midwest community college boasts 18% higher retention during coaching phase of multi-year student success redesign
Illinois Central College partnered with InsideTrack on a long-term academic redesign that utilized coaching for transformation.
higher retention rate among coached students
Increased retention, improved ROI: Coaching and capacity building at Old Dominion University
Historical trends in student outcomes and insights from analytics helped ODU identify first-year students who would be invited to receive coaching.
point increase in yield
Coaching to close the achievement gap at Ivy Tech Community College
See how Ivy Tech partnered with InsideTrack to deliver professional coaching to all incoming freshmen 21st Century Scholars.
improvement in two-year completion rates

Ready to keep your learners on track to completion?

We understand the impact retention has on your institution — and your learners. That’s why we offer a proven retention coaching solution that can be tailored to your desired outcomes. 

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