Support the individuals you serve to reskill, upskill and advance their careers

Bridging knowledge and experience gaps through reskilling and upskilling

The skills needed to keep up in today’s job market are constantly changing, often leaving individuals without the expertise they need to advance — or even leaving them entirely disconnected from a viable career path.

InsideTrack coaching supports working individuals and job seekers looking to reskill or upskill, connecting these individuals to their own strengths in order to gain meaningful employment, advance in their career and increase their economic opportunities. Coaching also helps participants build social capital while attaining in-demand, essential skills employers are eager to leverage.

Coaching advances workforce and career goals

Upskilling and reskilling opportunities provide learners with the training and education they need to gain essential new skills, allowing them to jump-start, pivot or advance in their careers. Through coaching, learners are supported at every step of the process, helping them stay motivated, manage their time, and maximize their education or training opportunities — preparing them to enter or re-enter the workforce ready to succeed.

Partner Benefits

Increased pipeline of individuals with in-demand skills

Growth and development of regional workforce and economy

Trauma-informed skill development for people managers and hiring managers 

Increased employee retention and benefit utilization

Lower turnover rates and a more stable workforce

Decreased recruitment costs for hard-to-fill roles

Learner Benefits

Strong foundation of support for entering or re-entering the workforce

Attainment of skills and knowledge necessary to advance in career

Improved job satisfaction and connection to career goals

Better ability to balance career with other responsibilities

Support for overcoming obstacles and barriers

Increased economic opportunity and social mobility

Reskilling and upskilling by the numbers

medical assistant pathway completion rate
ed fund
agreed that "I feel better prepared to move forward in my career"
improvement in self-reported skill level after coaching

Coaching to support reskilling and upskilling for career advancement 

Find out how coaching can help individuals looking to upskill and reskill, make the most of their educational or training pathways, and stay on track.
success coaching

Implement success coaching for upskilling and reskilling

For employers and workforce organizations, it’s important to develop a diverse and well-trained talent pipeline. For workers, it’s important to have equitable opportunities for career advancement that lead to upward mobility. With wraparound support, success coaching provides both — helping employees enroll in and complete short- and long-term credentials to upskill and reskill. Success coaching for career advancement includes:

  • Helping individuals successfully enroll in a program to upskill or reskill

  • Supporting them as they move through their education or training, keeping them focused, motivated and on track to complete

  • Equipping them with the knowledge, skills and beliefs they need to succeed and get a higher-wage job or move along the path to advancement

coaching development and training

Integrate a trauma-informed, healing-centered methodology with coaching development and training

With our coaching development and training services, we teach members of your organization to embed coaching skills into their everyday interactions. Our coaching methodology equips frontline staff and supervisors with holistic coaching skills designed to address ability and mindset, setting individuals up for success on the path to greater economic opportunity.

Reskilling and upskilling case studies and partner profiles

Connecting job seekers to employment in Prince George’s County through evidence-based coaching
See how workforce nonprofit Employ Prince George’s is implementing coach training to fuel employment opportunities for job seekers.
SkillUp: Group career coaching connects workers to the tools they need to upskill
SkillUp participants looking to reskill, upskill or advance get support from InsideTrack coaches through online group career coaching.
individuals have signed up for career coaching sessions since 2021

Ready to help workers bridge skill and experience gaps?

Find out how we can partner with your organization to foster a workforce with in-demand skills and build a strong talent pipeline for tomorrow.

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